Remember the Joy of Simple Curiosity

Theres nothing like the scroll of the camera roll that whisper sweet reminders to your heart and soul.

On this day, the little Honeypot and her Mama stopped by for a surprise visit. They popped out from behind the shed with a big smile and a hug...."Nah-Nahhhhh," she said, and came running over to me. I was out in the yard planting plants and covered in dirt up to my elbows.

As i was rinsing off, she was curious about what was happening with the hose and why Nana was playing in the a bee to honey, she wanted a good Nana, i handed the hose to a two year old and watched what she did with it:)

I feel like sometimes life gets so busy that we forget to remember the joy of simple curiosity. In the hustle and bustle, we forget what it feels like to see ordinary things through new eyes.

Im also finding that when life feels really hard, if we allow ourselves the time and space to just play and be...with child-like wonder, and to be fully in the moment without worrying about the consequence (trust me, she's not worried about getting dirty, soaked or her mussing up her hair...hahaha) its in those moments that we create the best memories and its also the space that we desperately need to catch our breath and get right with ourselves.

Where can you get lost in the moment and play without worrying about the consequences? What can you see with new eyes in your every day life?

Be sure to capture the moments right in front of you, people....before you know it, they'll be long gone♥


Ever Feel Like You've Gotta Get Outta Here?


Just Keep Walking, Girl